If your industrial facility needs to heat, sanitize, dry, or cool in an efficient way, you might need to incorporate steam generation into your production process. It's important to know how a steam generator works and how it can be utilized for industrial purposes. 

How to Generate Steam

A steam generator can be one of the most effective ways to heat, pressurize, and pump liquid in an industrial setting. The steam is most often produced by a boiler, and the water is heated using natural gas, oil, or coal. There are also nuclear steam generators that use radioactive material to generate heat through a nuclear fission reaction. 

The process of steam generation is relatively simple. Water is heated until it transforms from a liquid to a gas. The gas is then transported through a series of pipes and condenses and turns back into a liquid. It then begins the cycle again.

Boilers and Steam Generators

Boilers and steam generators are large devices that are capable of providing energy for various industrial applications. Steam generators are usually considered to be a different type of device that uses less metal and instead relies on one tube coil. A special pump constantly pumps feedwater through a coil, and the water can then be converted into steam. It also uses a water/steam separator because it does not use a steam drum. 

When a Steam Generator Is Necessary

The steam generator is most often used in situations where there is limited space because the steam generator does not take up as much space. However, steam generators do not produce as much energy as boilers. 

How to Use Steam in Your Industrial Processes

Fortunately, most boilers and steam generators can be highly useful if they are us for the right application. You can use steam to:

  • Remove contaminants
  • Generate power
  • Process food
  • Refine oil
  • Cool equipment

When locating the right equipment for your application, you'll want to consider how much space you have, your budget, and the features and technology that you will want with your equipment.

Lowering Maintenance Costs

If you're concerned about maintenance, one way to keep maintenance down is to choose an option that has few moving parts. This reduces the number of parts that can potentially break. In many cases, the only moving parts are the valves and burners. When well-maintained, you'll experience minimal downtime and your steam generator will last longer.
